tip: type Ctrl+F to search for a particular word/phrase
If you are involved in or witness an accident at any point during the tenancy of the exhibition, however small, it is your responsibility to report it to the Organiser's Office.
For accommodation please try our recommended supplier Event Express, they can provide rates and availability for a range of Hotels local to the Messe Frankfurt. Event Express details can be found in the the Accommodation section of the My To-Do List.
Activities and Demonstrations
Should you wish to carry out any demonstrations on your stand, please complete the Health & Safety Declaration form or email The Operations Team. The Organisers reserve the right to curtail any practice which they consider dangerous or detrimental to the show or surrounding exhibitors. Please note:
Exhibitors must advise the Organisers if they intend to offer any treatment, therapy, massage or similar services on the stand, as special licences from the Local Authority may be required.
Any exhibitor wishing to operate machinery or carry out mechanical demonstrations on their stand must ensure that these practices constitute no safety hazard, nor interfere with the activities of visitors and exhibitors.
All moving parts must be effectively guarded and controls sited beyond public reach.
All seating for the public should be contained within your stand area and comply with the current British Standard requirements for the Local Authority.
Exhibitors should not engage in any activity or employ any purpose or device that tends to create unreasonable congestion in the gangways. Demonstrations should be planned to take place in the centre of stands to give room for the audience
Exhibitors are reminded that sound must be kept to a level below 80 decibels. This level will be monitored within the exhibition area.
If you are unable to provide a Risk Assessment for any activities taking place on the stand (when requested), all demonstrations must cease until a Risk Assessment has been completed to the satisfaction of the Organiser. In the case of a dispute, the decision of the Organisers and its appointed representatives is always final.
If you wish to bring an animal onsite during the show open period, please contact The Operations Team for approval.
During the Build-Up and Breakdown period no animals will be allowed on site. At all times the Organiser's decision is final.
Audio Visual Equipment
The official supplier for the show can be found in the My To-Do List.
Badges & Passes
No one will be permitted entry into the exhibition hall during build-up, open period or breakdown without the appropriate pass. Every member of your staff who will be working on the stand, requires an exhibitor badge. These badges must be worn on-site at all times during the open period of the exhibition.
Gas filled balloons must be adequately secured to the stand. Charges will be levied for any costs incurred for repairing damage to the air handling units within the halls due to gas filled balloons being drawn into the units and for removing balloons from the roof structures.
Balloons can hang only over your own stand.
All helium gas cylinders must be removed from the halls once the balloons have been filled and the use of flammable gases is not permitted.
A plan must be submitted to the organisers detailing location, height and method of attachment.
Banking Facilities
There are chargable ATMs within Messe Frankfurt Site.
Booth Collateral
Exhibitors are reminded that the event has an international audience and therefore collateral should be available in both German and English.
Business Facilities
Photocopying, faxing and IT facilities, including Internet access, are available onsite at the Messe Frankfurt. There are charges for the services.
All exhibitors are advised that unless they have a contractual agreement with the event organisers, all promotional activity including literature distribution is restricted to the limits of their stand. If you are approached on your stand by unwelcome visitors trying to sell their products, please take a business card and inform the Organisers Office immediately.
Car Parking
Car parking can be booked using the link in the To-Do-List section. Messe Frankfurt also has disabled parking facilities, please note this is chargeable, on a first come first served basis.
Where possible we recommend that exhibitors and visitors travel by public transport.
Exhibitors are welcome to bring their own catering for their stand area. If you need assistance with catering the Messe Frankfurt has an in-house team who can supply a full range of food and beverages including a waitress service.
Exhibitors are not permitted to sell any food or drink from their stand area, the onsite catering team hold the sole rights to retail catering at the venue.
The Food Safety Act 1990 and Regulations made under it aim to ensure that all food offered to the public is safe to eat. Part of the Environmental Health Officers role is to carry out checks on Food Safety and Hygiene to ensure compliance with the legislation.
Local Authority Health & Safety regulations prohibit the presence of under 16s in the halls during build up and breakdown. The Exhibition is a trade event and the nature of the exhibits during the open period will reflect this, as such it is not a suitable environment for children. There are no crèche facilities at this event.
All stands will be cleaned on the night of Tuesday 3rd June in preparation for the opening morning. This does NOT include the cleaning of actual exhibits. If you require these to be cleaned please contact Messe Frankfurt direct for a quotation.
If a nightsheet is being used to secure the stand, duplicate keys clearly labelled should be left with the Organisers Office to allow access for cleaners.
Exhibitors requiring emergency cleaning during the exhibition should contact the Organisers office (although only light cleaning will be possible during show opening hours, vacuuming will not be possible).
Please dispose of any liquids so as to avoid spillage and damage to the carpets.
Waste materials should not be abandoned on site or deposited into the venue waste disposal containers and skips without the venues prior agreement. Please note that any waste left in the halls will be charged back to the exhibitor.
The cloakroom is located in the registration area and is open until thirty minutes after the close of the exhibition.
Lost property will be handed into security and after the show closes it will be logged and held in Messe Frankfurt.
If you have a column on your stand, please email The Operations Team if you need exact dimensions.
Under COSHH, the use of all toxic and hazardous substances is prohibited without written approval from Messe Frankfurt. Applications should be accompanied by a COSHH assessment including details of measures taken protecting employees & workers on adjacent stands and they should be submitted to the Organiser at least one month prior to the exhibition.
Please note that neither the Organiser nor the Venue can accept responsibility for deliveries that require a signature – you must ensure that there is someone available on your stand to receive such items, or direct them to the Logistics contractor desk onsite where you can collect items from on arrival. Deliveries can only be made during the official build-up period. Please note that many courier companies do not deliver or collect at weekends.
Deliveries should be addressed as follows :-
Your Contact Name / Mobile Number
Your Company Trading Name
Your Stand Number
Tech Frankfurt 2025
Hall 8
Messe Frankfurt
Ludwig-Erhard-Anlage 1
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Germany / Deutschland
Exhibitors are responsible for all panels, walls, columns, flooring, Shell Scheme stands, hired accessories, etc. within their stand area and any damages will be made good at the exhibitor's own expense.
All exhibits and standfitting materials must be cleared from the venue and charges will be levied for the removal of any abandoned articles, including carpet tape and literature.
Disabled Facilities
The venue has a hotline for disabled visitors is always available to respond to your questions, comments and suggestions, phone: +49 69 75 75 – 69 99 or email: handicap@messefrankfurt.com.
Additional information is available on the Messe Frankfurt Website.
It is necessary for a stand in each block to house the mains box. You will not be advised if it will be housed in your stand.
Stand Connections - During build-up, initial connections to stands are made as early as possible, but in some cases this could mean opening morning if the stand is not complete. The power to all stands will be switched off 30 minutes after the close of the show. Please also remember to order a 24 hour supply for the build up / open period if required.
Regulations - All electrical work must be carried out in accordance with the electrical regulations laid down by the local authority, IEE, Exhibition Venues Association, the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, British Standards Institution BS 7671 17th Edition and the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
General Electrical Information - Please register to order your electrical requirements via the Checklist.
4foreverything are responsible for, and will carry out, all electrical work on all stands. Please specify your requirements on the Order Form and location grid. This form should be returned by the deadline date to avoid surcharges for late orders. Should a grid not be submitted, the items will be positioned at the discretion of the contractor and charges may be levied for on-site changes.
Emergency and Fire Procedures
Please pay careful attention to the Messe Frankfurt Emergency & Fire Procedures in the My To-Do List section.
Equality Act 2010
Please note that all exhibitors are expected to comply with the Equality Act as far as is reasonably practical. For more information please read the following link:http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/DisabledPeople/RightsAndObligations/DisabilityRights/DG_4001068
Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers must be supplied by the exhibitor for their stand, this is a venue regulation and must be adhered to. Fire Extinguishers can be ordered through the venue, please note they are purchase only and cannot be hired, fire extinguishers need to be taken away with you at the end of the show.
First Aid
Should you require first aid assistance and this room is unmanned, please contact the Organiser's Office for First Response assistance. If urgent medical assistance is required do not call the emergency services direct but contact Control and they will co-ordinate the medical team and the emergency service arrival.
Fumes, Exhausts and Smoke
Any exhibit or process which generates and blows out or otherwise emits fumes, exhaust or smoke is subject to the requirements of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988 and all such processes must be so arranged to have an effective system to the outside atmosphere as approved by Messe Frankfurt
Furniture should be ordered as early as possible to avoid non-availability of stock. Details of our recommended suppliers can be found in the My To-Do List section. Please note the furniture is for hire.
Build Up
For Health and Safety reasons there will be no off-loading of exhibits or stand fitting materials into the gangways under any circumstances.
Gangways MUST be kept clear at all times and anything left in any gangway will be deemed as rubbish by the cleaners and removed.
Our official supplier for the show is Full Vision. Please refer to the My To-Do List for their brochure and contact details.
Appointed contractors will carry out all work in good time and you should not be asked for any sort of gratuity to obtain priority service. If monies are solicited, please inform the Organisers immediately.
Any loss or damage that may occur during the show should immediately be notified to the Organisers and Security on-site. Please note that Exhibitor insurance policies do not cover stand contractors and any subsequent sub-contractors, and as such, contractors are now required to submit proof that they have adequate insurance cover.
Internet & Wi-fi
The Messe Frankfurt provide free un-supported Wi-Fi, please see the Guide for more information. If you need a faster supported service please order using the Telecomms section of the My To-Do List.
Maintenance & Repair
Maintenance work to stands must be carried out the evening prior to open, or after the close of show by prior arrangement with the Organisers. No maintenance will be permitted during the open hours.
Music Licences
If you wish to play music on your stand, a licence must be obtained from GEMA, the German Society for Musical Performing and Mechanical Reproduction Rights. Please refer to GEMA/Music Licence within the Exhibitor Manual Checklist.
Noise Levels
Screening videos, demonstrations etc. from stands will be permitted providing they do not interfere with the conference or any other exhibitor. The organiser reserves the right to request that sound levels are reduced or switched off completely. As a general rule, please keep all noise below 80dB.
To avoid unnecessary canvassing of exhibitors, the official photographer has been appointed to undertake all photography for the show and no other photographers will be allowed into the hall without prior written consent from the Organisers. Please contact them via the details on the marketing pages on the website.
Public Address System
The public address system is for use by the Organisers and Authorities only. During the Open Period the tannoy can only be used for official and emergency broadcast messages.
Rules & Regulations
Exhibitors should familiarise themselves with the rules and regulations specified in this manual, together with the terms and conditions displayed on the back of your Contract to Exhibit - failure to do so may result in delays in the construction process.
Exhibitors planning any form of sampling of food/liquid products on their stand at the exhibition must advise the Organisers (please email The Operations Team) this information is then passed to the venue.
Exhibitors may give away tasting samples of their products subject to the following conditions:
Tea, coffee or soft drinks may not exceed three fluid ounces
Alcoholic drinks - exhibitors may give away tasting samples of beer and wine up to three fluid ounces served in plastic glasses and is non-chargeable. However for spirits, samples of only 10ml can be handed out and a Personal Licence is required.
Unwrapped food - bite size portions
If, in the opinion of the venue, an exhibitor contravenes these conditions and provides a significant level of hospitality catering or sampling from its stand, they reserve the right to charge the exhibitor a corkage or concession fee.
Exhibitors are not permitted to sell food or drink from their stands.
The security provided by the Organisers is designed to prevent unauthorised access to the hall, NOT to secure the contents of your stand. There will be internal overnight security patrols only and these cannot secure the safety of your goods if left unattended.
Please ensure your stand is manned at all times. Please help the organisers with the security of the halls by informing the organisers office immediately of any security issues. Exhibitors are advised to not leave their stands unattended during build up, breakdown or the open period, and to take particular care with personal items such as mobile telephones and laptop computers.
Please note that most hired cabinets have common locks and should NOT be regarded as secure units. Any incidents of theft must be reported to the Organisers immediately as it will be necessary to complete a security form and report the incident to the police.
Please note that neither the Organisers nor the venue can be held responsible for any loss or damage to stands or exhibits.
If you are intending to use your own guard please email The Operations Team one month prior to the show.
Site Survey
It is each exhibitor’s responsibility to examine their allocated site in order to avoid adjustments to stand structures or displays, as variations in the floor level or obstructions cannot always be indicated on the floorplan. In your own interest, you should also satisfy yourself as to the condition of your site both before erection and after clearance.
Tech Frankfurt implements a non-smoking policy for the duration of the tenancy. If you wish to smoke, please exit the hall via the main entrance/exits.
Storage & Handling & Freight Facilities
There are no storage facilities at the Venue and any company requiring this facility should contact the official contractor for a specific quotation.
You are also advised that fire regulations prohibit the storage of empty crates, packing materials and exhibits behind stands.
Telephone and internet services can be supplied by the official telecommunications contractor at the Messe Frankfurt. Please view the My To-Do List section for links to book these services.
Visitor Data Capture
Details of all visitors making enquiries on your stand can be captured by the use of a datapen. Please note that this is the same company/website as the Exhibitor Badges and can be organised via your E-Zone.
Waste Disposal
You are required to remove all standfitting material and waste generated at the end of breakdown. Any rubbish left in the hall will be skipped by the Cleaning Department and a charge of £500 per skip load will be charged to the relevant exhibitor. We will be taking digital photos of each area as proof and an invoice will be sent to you after the event.
Please contact the cleaning department on +49 69 75 75-69 11 for a quotation on skip hire.
Please note that waste materials, however innocuous, should not be abandoned on-site, discharged into the drainage system nor deposited in Messe Frankfurt's waste disposal containers or skips. The cost of any clearing, repairs to the drainage system or of making good any other damage caused by such unauthorised discharge will be passed to the relevant exhibitor. Disposal of such substances are subject to "Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 1988" (COSHH). Toxic waste shall be placed in closed containers, marked accordingly, and special arrangements made with Messe Frankfurt regarding their disposal.
Should it be necessary for waste material to be removed, the Cleaning Department can provide quotations for special skip hire.
Working at Height
Please be aware that Working at Height within the halls MUST be in compliance with the Working at Height Regulations 2005.
Further information is available at http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg401.pdf